Store Wars: The Organic Rebellion




 「帝国进行曲(The Imperial March)」的音乐扬起,远远的两艘太空船自上方飞驰而过,这是「星际大战」完结篇「星际大战三部曲:西斯大帝的复仇」的演出吗?喔,不,怎么有一个长相像人的黄瓜出现呢?呵呵,没错,这不是正版的「星际大战」,而是一齣仿「星际大战---绝地大反攻」故事情节改编的「星际大战超市篇—有机食品之绝地大反攻(Store Wars: The Organic Rebellion)」,里面的角色,是超市中我们常看到的食品改扮的,而故事情节则是一场有机农产品与化学肥料生产的农产品之战。

  看过「骇客任务—素食篇」的朋友,对Free Range Graphics以拟人化的动划方式仿「骇客任务」的演出风格来讲述现代化农场中各类家禽与猪牛等受到不仁道对待方式一定印象深刻,这部名为「星际大战超市篇∼有机食品之绝地大反攻(Store Wars: The Organic Rebellion)」同样也是由Free Range Graphics制作,不同的是,这齣短片是仿「星际大战」的故事情节并以电影的形式呈现。


绝地武士欧比王(Obi-Wan) ---由甜酥卷(cannoli)扮装而成。
黑武士 Lord Tader---由马铃薯扮装而成。




  至于里面的故事情节,我们也取得Free Range Graphics的授权將之详列如下,供大家参考。




Store Wars


"Not so long ago in a supermarket not so far away..."

Obi-Wan Canoli VO: These are dark times, young Cuke.
Obi: For over a thousand generations, organic food like us lived in harmony with the ways of The Farm.
Cuke:  The Farm?
Obi:  Yes Cuke, The Farm is what gives us our power. It's a kind of "field" that creates all edible things. But, alas, the market has been taken over by ... the Dark Side of the Farm.
An empire of pollution and pesticides has ruthlessly conquered the market, nearly wiping out our organic birthright with unsustainable, short-sighted practices like genetic engineering ... irradiation ... and massive chemical pesticide use. Seduced by artificially lower prices, people don’t even want to know where their food comes from. The true ways of The Farm are now almost forgotten.
Obi VO: But there is a new hope.
Obi VO: A growing resistance called the Organic Rebellion is fighting back.
C3-Peanut: Tofu-D2 where are you?
Obi VO:  You must learn the ways of the Farm if you are to join the rebellion, and rescue Princess Lettuce.
Princess Lettuce:  Help me, Obi-Wan Canoli, you're my only hope!
Obi VO: Of course, you will need friends to help you along the way.
Ham :  I’m Ham Solo. Captain of the Millennium Scallion. I hear your lookin' for passage to the Organic system?
Obi: Yes indeed, if it's a fast ship.
Ham: Sure is, and I’ve got the best co-pilot in the produce section, Chewbroccoli!
Obi VO:  There will be many dangers.
Cuke: Watch out for those Thai fighters!
Ham: I see em, I see em!
Cuke:  Quick! They're heading for that small moon!
Obi: That's no moon ... that's a Melon!
All:  The Death Melon!!!
Obi: That giant fruit threatens us all.
Lettuce:  A little tall for an egg, aren't you?
Cuke : Oh, the uniform! I'm Cuke Skywalker. I'm here to rescue you! I''m here with Obi Wan Canoli . Come on!
Princess Lettuce: For luck.
Obi VO: Your path will not be easy…
Obi VO: …for you must confront the evil lord of the Dark Side – Darth Tader
Obi VO: Tader was once a pupil of mine, before he turned to Dark Side of the Farm. He's now more chemical than vegetable, twisted and evil. He betrayed and murdered your father, Organakin Skywalker.
Cuke: Ahhhh!!!
Tater: Obi Wan never told you about your father.
Cuke: He told me enough ... he told me you killed him!
Tater: No ... I am your father.
Cuke: That's really impossible!
Tater: Search your peelings, Cuke, you know it to be true! Join me, and together we can rule the supermarket as father and son!
Cuke: Noooo, I'll never join you!
Obi VO: Learn about the Farm Cuke, help the Rebels expose the Dark Side’s technological short cuts and their true costs. We must win this battle!
Obi VO: Use the Farm Cuke! Stretch out with your peelings!
Obi: It is up to you, Cuke. You're the rebels last hope. Isn't that right, Yogurt?
Yogurt: Strong with The Farm is he. But our last hope, Cuke is not. There is another ... [Yogurt points his cane at the screen] ... you!
Yogurt: When the market you visit, you can keep your family and your planet safe from the Dark Side by choosing organic.
All: May the Farm Be With You -- Always!


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