





  自前年起如果你在聖誕節前幾經過美國紐約市的中央車站與時報廣場,你可能會發現有一群奉行素食的教徒,在那裡將聖誕節的樂曲配上素食的詞,以另一種聲音來歡渡聖誕節。這群由農莊避難所(Farm Sanctuary)的卡蘿(Carol Moon)所帶領的合唱團,最近幾年來,年年到中央車站與時報廣場唱著大家熟悉且改編自聖誕歌曲的素食宣傳歌曲來愉樂前來逛街的人潮與往來的行人。舉例而言,許多人都會唱的《Joy to the World (普世歡騰)》:

Joy to the World, the Lord is come!


"Soy to the world, the tofu's come."
另外一首大家耳熟能詳的聖誕歌曲,《Jingle Bells(聖誕鈴聲)》:
“Jingle bell Jingle bell Jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh”

"Dead meat smells, dead meat smells, go vegan all the way! Oh, how kind it is to have a vegan holiday."



附錄∼幾首改編自聖誕歌曲的素食歌曲(英文)。(感謝Carol Moon提供)

  由於卡蘿(Carol Moon)提供的改編歌曲有十六首之多,限於篇幅,這裡只列出兩首給大家參考,如果有興趣其他歌曲的朋友,歡迎來信information@vegtomato.org,我們將把完整的歌詞寄去給您參考。

Jingle Bells
Dead meat smells, Dead meat smells,
Go vegan all the way!
Oh, how kind it is to have
A vegan holiday, hey!
Dead meat smells, Dead meat smells,
Go vegan all the way!
Oh, how kind it is to have
A vegan holiday!
A day or two ago
I ventured out to shop
And when the wind did blow
My grapefruit I did drop.
It rolled across the aisle
Into a case of meat,
And when I caught a whiff of that
I lost my urge to eat - Oh!
Repeat Chorus
Another day last June,
I made a picnic lunch.
We laid our blanket down
And soon began to munch.
A gentle breeze blew by;
My lover shouted “Pew!”
I looked around the fence and spied
A dead meat barbecue! Oh!
Repeat Chorus

Joy to the World
Soy to the world
The to-fu’s come.
At last a bet-ter deal!
Let ev’ry vegetarian
Get started in preparing an
Entirely meat-less meal
Entirely meat-less meal
En-tire-ly, en-ti-i-ir-ly meat-less meal!
No more let ducks or chickens die,
Nor cows and pigs be killed.
We’ve learned to get our pro-tein
From nature’s won-drous soybean,
And tur-keys will be thrilled
And tur-keys will be thrilled
And tur-keys, and tu-u-ur-kys will be thrilled!